Excel in Healthcare
Join the Best, Be the Best
成为美国护士/护理师的 为了获得美国医院注册护理师的资格,受过外国教育的护理师需要采取以下8个关键步骤。 |
满足学历要求 完成外国教育护理师 (FEN) 课程 如果有要求,请参加并通过英语语言能力测试 通过国家委员会注册护士执照考试 (NCLEX – RN) 取得资历评估 寻找护理招募机构或美国雇主 申请并获得注册护士移民签证/绿卡 得到美国医院注册护理师资格 |
Go up your career with fun 康群国际医疗人才顾问中心是一家领先的医疗人才机构,致力于为医疗机构提供优秀且经验丰富的医疗专业人才。我们深知医疗护理人才在提供卓越患者护理方面的关键角色,并全力以赴将医疗机构与适才适用的专业人才紧密联系,满足各种人才需求。
As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, the salary for Registered Nurses (RNs) in the United States can vary significantly depending on factors like location, level of experience, type of healthcare facility, and specialization. Salaries also tend to increase over time due to factors like inflation and market demand.